
How does the US Federal Trade Commission's inquiry into Reddit compare to Facebook's troubles?


The FTC's inquiry into Reddit differs from Facebook's troubles (now Meta) in several key aspects:

Focus of Investigations:

  • Reddit: The FTC's focus on Reddit seems to be on its advertising practices and potential anti-competitive behavior. This could involve concerns about how Reddit targets users with ads, the types of ads allowed, or potential restrictions on competition within the advertising space.
  • Facebook: Meta (formerly Facebook) has faced numerous controversies and FTC investigations related to user privacy, data breaches, and the spread of misinformation. These issues have resulted in hefty fines and stricter regulations for the company.

Scale and Severity:

  • Reddit: Currently, the Reddit inquiry appears less severe compared to Facebook's troubles. No major public accusations or data breaches have been reported regarding Reddit. It's likely an earlier intervention by the FTC to address potential issues before they escalate.
  • Facebook: Facebook's controversies have been widely publicized and have resulted in significant consequences. The Cambridge Analytica scandal, for example, involved a massive data breach and misuse of user information for political purposes.

Transparency and Public Perception:

  • Reddit: There's less public information available regarding the details of the FTC's inquiry into Reddit. Reddit itself hasn't made any major public statements about the investigation.
  • Facebook: Meta's issues have been extensively covered in the media, and the company has faced significant public backlash. There have also been congressional hearings and public criticism from lawmakers.

Potential Outcomes:

  • Reddit: Depending on the findings of the inquiry, the FTC might suggest changes to Reddit's advertising practices or potentially impose fines if anti-competitive behavior is proven.
  • Facebook: Meta has faced significant fines (over $5 billion) and stricter data privacy regulations as a result of its past controversies.


While both companies are under the FTC's scrutiny, the nature of the investigations and the potential consequences seem quite different. Reddit's situation appears to be a proactive approach by the FTC to address potential issues before they become major problems, while Facebook has faced more severe consequences due to the scale and nature of its controversies.

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